Join the Climate Heritage Network
Pictured: Park of Eternal Glory, Kyiv, Ukraine
The Climate Heritage Network is open to all government agencies, NGOs, universities, businesses and other organizations! The only requirement to join is that an organization sign or endorse the Climate Heritage Network Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), indicating its commitment to address climate change and support communities in achieving the decarbonization goals and other ambitions of the Paris Agreement.
CHN members agree to emphasize that culture and heritage (including sites and landscapes, institutions and collections as well as creativity, intangible heritage, traditional ways of knowing and practices) are both impacted by climate change and an asset for climate action; and that culture and heritage constitute an invaluable resource to help communities reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and strengthen adaptive capacity.
The CHN is primarily driven by local and city, state/provincial and regional, indigenous and tribal, and national arts, culture and heritage governmental and quasi-governmental boards, offices, ministries, intergovernmental organizations, and site management agencies. NGOs, universities, businesses and other organizations are encouraged to endorse the Climate Heritage Network Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Together, CHN members are harnessing the power of cultural heritage for climate action, ratcheting up their own ambition, and supporting other arts, culture and heritage organizations and agencies to understand their role in decarbonization pathway planning, building resilience, and activating cultural heritage-based climate communication and education strategies.
The CHN is governed by Terms of Reference (TORs). The final TORs for the Network were approved by the CHN’s Steering Committee in April 2020 and can be viewed here.