The Role of Culture in Climate Resilient Development: Strategies for Strengthening Sustainable Development While Promoting Transformative Climate Action
About the Resource
It has been seven years since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) first made the arresting declaration that climate change poses a ‘severe threat’ to future sustainable development. In the years that have followed, the concept of Climate-Resilient Development Pathways (CRDPs) has emerged as a key process for capturing the broad and multifaceted interplay between sustainable development and the deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and transformative climate adaptation also needed to tackle the climate emergency.
This report sketches some of the ways that arts, culture and heritage can enable the design and implementation of CRD Pathways. It is meant to be of use both to culture advocates and climate advocates looking to advance sustainable development, eradicate poverty and reducing inequality in a warming world.
Authors of the Resource: United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
Contributors: International Federation of Library Associations; Heritage Foundation of Pakistan; Architect Yasmeen Lari; City of Karachi; City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation and Office of Sustainability; Gullah/Geechee Nation, Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition; National Library Board, Singapore; City Developments Limited, Singapore; FabCity Yucatán AC; Ayuntamiento de Mérida; Museo Palaci Cantón; Museo de la Ciudad de Mérida; Cicloturixes, cero basura Yucatán; UTM; Cultura Savia; Casal Catalá Yucatán; LUM-Universidad Modelo; Makers Valley Partnership; Love Our City Klean; Victoria Yards; Payper, Nosh and SA Harvest; City of Rio de Janeiro; Rio de Janeiro State Culture Department; Biblioteca Parque do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BPERJ); AMI (Mobility Agency); ICOOR (Universities Consortium); CCCC (architects start-up); SIPRO (development agency Ferrara); AESS (Energy and Sustainable Development Agency); Écomusée Tata Somba; İzmir Metropolitan Municipality; Izmir Governorship, Department of Investment Monitoring and Coordination; Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy; Varanger Sámi Museum; Ajuntament de València; Visit València y Global Omnium; Community Wetlands Forum; Irish Rural Link and National Parks and Wildlife Service; The City of Šibenik; Public Institution Nature of the Šibenik-Knin County; Argonaut association and Zlarin Tourist Board; Cerema: Membres fondateurs : Cerema, Sites et Cités Remarquables de France, Maisons Paysannes de France, Ecole d’architecture de Toulouse, Arts et métiers Paris Tech. Ministères français des affaires culturelles et de la transition énergétique; International National Trust Organisation (INTO); The Cross Cultural Foundation of Uganda; The National Trust; St Helena National Trust; Hui Mālama Loko Iʻa; Slow Food; Water Resources Bureau of Taichung City Government; Taiwan International Institute for Water Education; L’OEUF; Benny Farm Residents; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Holcim Foundation; State of California; City of Edinburgh Council, ADP Architecture; Keir Group; Scottish Government; Historic Environment Scotland; Louisiana Office of Community Development; Isle de Jean Charles Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe of Louisiana; Terrebonne Parish; Foundation for Louisiana; Louisiana Land Trust, Concordia Architecture and Planning; Coordinación General del Centro Histórico de Morelia; Municipio de Quito, Instituto Metropolitano de Patrimonio; Building for Climate Architectes; Universite Technique du CAP; Lycee de Steenberg Township; Fondation D’Enterprise Alstrom pour L’Environnement; Waternet (Regional Water Authority Amstel, Gooi en Vecht); Amsterdam (department of Mobility and Public Space).
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