Building Reuse is Climate Action!
About the Resource
This PowerPoint presentation promotes historic and existing building reuse as an economical and efficient means towards achieving meaningful carbon reduction in the construction industry sector, which contributes, directly or indirectly, up to half of all global carbon emissions.
Sources of carbon inherent in construction are identified, defined and quantified using an analysis method that demonstrates the potential carbon savings from the reuse of a similar existing building that can be compatibly reused.
Case studies are included that illustrate the carbon reductions realized from the retention and adapted reuse of historic and existing buildings. Regional cultural heritage and traditional skills are retained as a benefit of policies promoting reuse of existing buildings.
Authors of the Resource: Mark Thompson Brandt, Lori Ferriss, Nathan Lott, Stephanie Phillips, Shanon Shea Miller, Larry Strain, Carl Elefante and Jean Caroon
Contributors: Aase Hofeldt-Eskevik, Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Norway | Adala Leeson, Historic England | Alice Tofts, Mortice Consulting Limited | Allison Arlotta | Andrea Carmen, International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) | Andrés Litvak, Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (Le Cerema) | Andrew Potts, ICOMOS | Aneta Nerguti, Carrig Conservation International Ltd. | Anna Donarelli, Swedish National Heritage Board | Carl Elefante, American Institute of Architects (AIA) | Caroline Engel Purcell, ICOMOS Ireland | Catherine Ross, Church of England | Chris Warden, MTBA Associates *Architecture *Urbanism *Conservation | Chris Weibe, National Trust of Canada | Christophe Rivet, ICOMOS Canada | Daniel Herrera, Eurac | Dima Cook, Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP) | Douglas Phillips, Historic England | Elodie Héberlé, Centre de Ressources pour le Réhabilitation Responsible du Bâti Ancien (CREBA) | Emily Guy, MTBA Associates *Architecture *Urbanism *Conservation | Euan Leitch, Built Environment Forum Scotland | Ewan Hyslop, Historic Environment Scotland | Ewelina Pekala, Sendzimir Foundation | Fernando Vegas Lopez-Manzanares, Universitat Politecnica of Valencia | Franziska Haas, ICOMOS/Eurac | Geoff Rich, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios | Hannah Fluck, Historic England | Heather Holdridge, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation | Ibrahim Tchan, Ecomusée Tata Somba (Benin) | Inge Appermont | Ione Stiegler, IS Architecture (USA) | Jean Caroon, Goody Clancy | Joe Jack Williams, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios | Jordi Mallarach, Future for Religious Heritage | Julianne Polanco, Cal SHPO | Kara Kempski, American Institute of Architects (AIA) | Kate Sector, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation | Katharine Carter, Historic Environment Scotland | Keolu Fox, University of California at San Diego | Lori Ferriss, ZNCC | Margaret Woodruff, Charlotte Library | Mark Thompson Brandt, ZNCC | Mark Huck, Cal SHPO | Marte Boro | Mauro García Santa Cruz, Iniciativa Patrimonio y Cambio Climático | Melissa Morancy, American Institute of Architects (AIA) | Michael Netter, Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) | Mohammad Safi Ul Alam, Youth Foundation of Bangladesh | Morwenna Slade, Historic England | Natalie Feinberg Lopez, Built Environment Evolution | Nathan Lott, Preservation Resource Center | Nigel Griffiths, Sustainable Traditional Buildings Association | Paula Seidel, American Institute of Architects (AIA) | Peter Cox, ICOMOS | Piet Geleyns, Flanders Heritage Agency | Sara Crofts, The Institute of Conservation | Sarah-Jane Marsden, Historic Environment Scotland | Shanon Miller, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation | Stéphane L. Pressault, ICOMOS Canada | Stephanie Phillips, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation | Susan Ross, Carleton University | Tessa De Marie, Flanders Heritage Agency
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